Waste Streams

Karnulurra Ski Club actively follows the expectations of ARV (Alpine Resorts Victoria) regarding their 3-waste stream program, being organics, recycling and landfill. Our Lodge managers are educated on the effective usage of these streams and expect members/guests to dispose of their waste appropriately.

Our kitchen has 3 collection points:

  • All food and organic materials go into the benchtop bin. A larger green bin (lined with opaque compostable bags) is in the ski room downstairs.
  • Co-mingled recyclable materials (incl glass) go into the clear plastic bag with black writing. (At the recycling depot, ARV sort and take advantage of the container deposit scheme operating in Victoria).
  • General waste (destination land fill) goes into the red plastic bag. Our aim is to minimise this waste. 50% of waste from the resort is food waste. The ARV organics recycling collection operates across the resort and throughout the year. The on-mountain composting facility produces a rich organic compost.

Single Use Plastics

  • We want to reduce the amount of single-use plastics used on the mountain.
  • We have reusable, plastic containers for food storage available to guests.
  • We are a NO Gladwrap lodge but provide compostable cling wrap available for guest use.
  • We provide cloth shopping bags for guest use when visiting the supermarket.

Litter in the Alpine area

  • We routinely clear litter from around the lodge.
  • Karnulurra is a non-smoking/non-vaping lodge. Cigarette butts and vaping devices are a serious threat to our pristine natural environment.
  • There is a used battery collection bin at the lodge which feeds into the ARV collection point.

Building and Maintenance

  • Karnulurra is one of the oldest lodges at Mt Hotham and we want to see it preserved for many years to come. A team of passionate volunteers and members carry out building maintenance yearly.
  • Karnulurra Ski Lodge was built using a unique Canadian modular, interlocking timber wall system and originally with a classic timber shingle roof. (The roof has now been replaced with Colourbond). All windows have been upgraded to double glazing.

Energy Use

  • We are working to reduce our carbon emissions.
  • We have recently upgraded our fireplace from an open fireplace to an efficient wood heater.
  • Our firewood is sourced from a local arborist, collected, and cut to size after necessary tree felling. We ensure that additional firewood comes from sustainably harvested sources.

Future Considerations

  • To conduct a carbon audit investigating the possibility of a carbon neutral lodge.